Adventures in writing and living, from the shores of Portland, Maine.

I Fight With Words

I am not an angry person. I’m not prone to outbursts, and I will bend myself into a proverbial pretzel to avoid confrontation. I envy people who can argue their points passionately in the face of opposition without getting riled and tongue-tied…

Words In Body Bags

Sometimes I open the folder on my desktop entitled WRITING and scroll through all the Word documents that have lived and died on my hard drive. I looked just now, for the purpose of this post. There are twenty-three of them. Twenty-three stories I’ve started in the past eight years, twelve I’ve completed… to the tune of (at least) 300 pages a pop…

I Am Not A Writer

I completed my first manuscript, all 420 pages of it, without telling a soul what I was doing. Just the thought of saying these words: “Hi, I’m Sarah, I’m a stay-at-home mom working on my first novel” was enough to induce debilitating nausea. It was just so cliché…